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Solo In Chicago

...empowering the Second City's entrepreneurial legal community

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

How do clients know your services?

Now that we've gotten our collection policy and billing package in good shape...this is one our current project. Essentially, how to make current/past clients aware of your full breadth of services when they've only used you for some tiny, little niche item. Any ideas?

Currently, we obviously have some blogs and a static Website that generally describes our practice areas. Also, at the end of representation we'll send out what we creatively call an end-of-representation letter where we again describe our three to four practice areas broadly. However, I think the information we're providing is TOO GENERAL to be useful to a potential future client.

What I'm thinking about is creating a more detailed list of services and also possibly a more detailed describtion of our firm to include for easy distribution and also at the end of representation. Simply, a much more detailed and specific (and longer...1-2 pages) listing rather than the three or four throw-away paragraphs that we currently enclose. Probably incorporate this into the Website too.

I'll discuss more as we implement...


At 2:54 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Of course you are speaking both of follow-on business where the client needs new services and what I call follow-on referrals where the client is inclined to refer business. Both, I have found, require constant reenforcement, or staying top of the mind with the client. Your blogs and your website give your clients an instant contact source and resource, but it does not involve any type of push marketing. I think the easiest thing to do is get the client on the phone and ask them if there is anything further you can do for them, and then explain what you else you do. It also give you an opportunity to ask for their referral. Then you need to create a group of methods to keep your firm top of the mind for the client. I suggest periodic fax broadcast (but not too often), broadcast email newsletter and information (more often)and periodic direct mail. You are typically collecting this information in any event, you just need to input it. It can be done cheaply. This is especially good for referral sources. I like Basecamp as a follow-on source because a client is likely going to retain new services or refer business while they are being reminded what it is exactly you are doing for them. Basecamp helps in this regard. Then for purely referral sources, such as bankers, Realtors, etc., nothing beats a regular phone call. You do not even much have to ask for business. I find they ask how business is going. I tell them fine but I could sure use their help and referrals if they can see their way fit to do so.


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