More Court Appointed Business??
I know I'll be watching the implementation of Public Act 95-0846 closely relating to court appointed counsel in juvenile court cases (see a synopsis below from The Juvenile Justice Initiative). And note that the language is "requires" and thus mandatory. Maybe a business opportunity; something like the Capital Litigation Trial Bar.
Senate Bill 2118 (Sens. Raoul-Noland and Rep. Turner) – Right to Counsel at Time Petition is Filed
This bill requires the court to appoint counsel for a youth retained in custody immediately upon the filing of a petition. It also specifies that a detention hearing cannot be held until the youth has had adequate opportunity to consult with counsel. This bill is a result of the Juvenile Defender Assessment recommendations. Senate amendment #1 clarifies that the 40 hour rule is not affected. The bill passed the Senate and House unanimously. Public Act 95-0846.
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