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Solo In Chicago

...empowering the Second City's entrepreneurial legal community

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Publish an article and send it out

Here's a nuggest I'm following from Trey Ryder:

SECRET #4: Send clients a copy of every published article. This boosts loyalty because clients see you an authority. Clients like to know that you are the respected authority in your field of law.

I just got an article regarding saving clients money in residential real estate transactions published in the ISBA's Real Estate Section Council newsletter. My timing was very intentional...hoping to have it published to concide with the break of spring (i.e. real estate season in Chicago). The piece has been approved and will be published within two weeks.

I'm going to send a copy with a note and some business cards to every potential client and referal source in the real estate area...I haven't finalized the mailing but I'm think it will be 50-100 people; many Realtors. So we'll see how this marketing tip works!


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