New off-site employee
Well, I've added off-site employee #1...I'm very excited. I know it's really nothing new in the blogsphere here but it's a big step for a newby sole practitioner. I know Grant Griffiths over at Home Office Lawyer and Greatest American Lawyer have been on the train for a while, but we just want to be like Walgreens, not the first with technology, just the best in its application.
My main usage of the off-site staff will be for customer service and book-keeping/financial analysis. When she's working she'll be totally handling the phones. Further, and most critically, she's going to step-it-up for us with the business side of things. I obviously currently send out my bills each month but that's about it.
The way I see it, running a law practice is two halves: legal work & business (financial, marketing, management). The business half of things with me has languished over the last year. NO MORE!
Thanks Grant. So far so good. I'll post more as we work out a couple technology clinks.
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