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Solo In Chicago

...empowering the Second City's entrepreneurial legal community

Saturday, April 14, 2007

I got tagged...get gotta get goals!

Sheryl Sisk Schelin over at The Inspired Solo "tagged me." And we haven't even met before...but that's the joy of blogging right.

Alex Shalman created a meme - “Gotta Get Goals” - and after Sheryl got tagged, she in turn passed the goodness to me and some others. Here are the instructions:

In a new blog post, list and write about the top 5 to 10 goals that you gotta’ get so that you can truly say you have achieved your wildest dreams in life. These have to be your best, most exclusive, and over-the-top goals that you can pick off your goals list.

Here's my list...off-the-cuff (what's the terminology, including but not limited too and in no particular order):

1. Financial freedom. Re-shape my mindset on this...I think I have too much of the "middle class" value phenomenum..."I need my benefits...make $50k to $100k and you're doing well." I need residual income and more people other than myself earning income for my businesses.

2. Be elected Governor of IL. If you're in IL, tell me, I need your help and vote! I think I have a strong background and support base statewide. Plus I'm above corruption.

3. Earn a PHD in History. I'm a history nut and would really like to have more professional research skills with an eye towards higher education going forward.

4. Be an Olympic Triathlete. 2012 or 2016 in Chicago! Let's go.

5. Have a remote cabin on a body of water. Not sure if this will be primary residence or secondary. But I hate having to drive somewhere to get to the "outdoors." I want to live there...being right across from the Des Plaines river doesn't quite cut it currently.

6. Create a charitable trust. I want that consistent income set aside to support scholarships and Christian outreach.

7. Be trilingual. At least Chinese and Spanish...I'm okay, but certainly not fluent yet.

8. Write a book. This should be multiple books...one of my goals for 2007 is to have the first book outlined...that's in-process as we speak. See item #3.


At 3:33 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

And as soon as you change those Republican stripes you might win.

Great goals otherwise.

At 1:23 PM, Blogger Peter said...

Republican stripes? Is it that obvious?

At 11:17 AM, Blogger lifestyle said...

I think you got a great blog!! Thank you for that. I'm definitely going to add u to my favorite :)
I hope you can visit my blog at Thaer Money.


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